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New Guide: 23 TrainingThings for effective webinars



Base4NFDI – together with training professionals from NFDI4Chem and HeFDI – has published a guide on effective webinars, targeted towards content and technical experts.

Access it under "Guides" and here on Zenodo:

You are providing a service and want to explain it in a webinar – but you are a busy expert and have limited experience with virtual sessions? We got you covered. The guide “23 TrainingThings for effective webinars” compiles the best practices of four seasoned webinar and training practitioners in just one page – from finding the right objectives, to structuring your presentation, engaging your audience and following up. And if you want to uncover even more best practices, there is a long version available as well.

Get in touch for any feedback!

4th Base4NFDI Newsletter - February 2025



Welcome to the first Base4NFDI newsletter of 2025!
We hope you all had a productive start to the new year.
Every two months we will share the latest updates about upcoming Base-relevant events  and presentations, insights into the basic service development, and notify you about interesting resources to keep you informed and inspired. 

Thank you for being a part of our community, and happy reading!

Brief updates from the basic services

    • Initialisation phase finished, start of Integration phase Jan 2025.
    • Release of IAM4NFDI Explainer video
    • The Infrastructure Proxy developed by IAM4NFDI, which enables connected services to provide access to users from all NFDI consortia, is now officially part of the NFDI-AAI.
    • The call for applications for the third incubator cycle resulted in seven potential projects of which six presented themselves to the IAM4NFDI team on January 16. These were predominantly providers who would like to connect their service to the new Infrastructure Proxy. In the end, five new projects were chosen for the third incubator cycle. The projects of the second incubator cycle also presented the preliminary results of their AAI projects supported by IAM4NFDI on the same day. More info at
    • An article on how IAM4NFDi is growing was successfully published by Marcel Nellessen (RWTH Aachen) and Wolfgang Pempe (DFN association) in the “DFN-Mitteilungen” Issue 106/December 2024.
    • Successful submission of the proposal for the Integration Phase.
    • Finished a survey to target KGI interest groups and possible participants/incubators.

    • Integration proposal submitted in January 2025.
    • Publication of requirements analysis report.
    • Love Data Week Coffee Lecture: Developing DMP Templates with RDMO - the new editor’s guide on Feb 12, 13-13.45.
    • RDMO Association founded on Nov 19, 2024 in Berlin (21 institutions).
    • Meet the team at RDA-DE in Potsdam and at E-Science Days in Heidelberg!
  • Jupyter4NFDI
    • As part of the initialisation phase supported by Base4NFDI, a survey generated by Jupyter4NFDI was circulated. Running from November 15th through January 9th, the survey generated numerous data sets from almost all of the existing NFDI consortia. The results are now being analyzed by the team in order to take into account the requirements and wishes of users and service providers as far as possible in the further implementation of the service.
    • The service’s documentation has been revised and presents itself in a new structure and design.
    • Jupyter4NFDI incubator project: Jupyter4NFDI has become an incubator project of IAM4NFDI to realize the connection of the Basic Service to the IAM Infrastructure Proxy.
    • Base4NFDI conducted a successful online kick-off workshop on January 15 to delve into processes and future work together.
    • Contact the team: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  • RDMTraining4NFDI
    • RDMTraining starts their Initialisation phase in Feb 2025 and the official Initialisation Kick-Off is planned for the end of February. We are happy that the team is onboard and are looking forward to the collaboration!

Meet us

Publications and related materials


  • Base4NFDI Roadshow in Dec 2024 - videos, slides, Q&A now online
  • Release of Base4NFDI Explainer on YouTube

Please follow us and tag us on LinkedIn

If you have any questions, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


New White Paper: Advancing Essential Services to Complement EOSC



Base4NFDI has published a White Paper on "Advancing Essential Services to Complement EOSC"

Access it here on Zenodo: "Advancing Essential Services to Complement EOSC"

The short paper is aimed at policymakers for the NFDI (German National Research Data Infrastructure) and EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) and examines the Base4NFDI services in the context of the EOSC EU Node services. It is intended as the start of a dialogue on the Base4NFDI contribution to the federation.

Read about:

  • Base4NFDI’s community-driven services, purpose and timeline
  • Their role in a potential EOSC National Candidate Node
  • How they compare to the offering on the EOSC EU platform

Get in touch: We’re happy to have feedback on the paper. Feel free to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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